Thursday, 25 November 2010

Rollercoaster Ride

Hello all, I've been awfully quiet recently on the blog front, I've just been hard at work trying to meet a deadline with a business plan. I absolutely hate writing it, then i get into to and enjoy it then i get stuck and i go back to hating it... it's a vicious circle! However good news!

I have finally bought my domain name and have done a very basic layout with not very much detail in but it's up! I will get onto content next week or as soon as the business plan is finished... which ever is sooner. But check out what I've already done on any tips or advice as to what would make it better will be highly appreciated.

I have also been around to search for self storage, boy who knew it is such a competitive business! I get offers that can't be written down because competitors don't know about them, i get the hard sell... and it's so expensive! For what it is. I also visited the same company twice at separate locations and got completely different quotes and was being over sold insurance i did not need. I felt like an undercover mystery customer!

I alsocannot tell you have stressful this has been though, i have ended up in tears and a blabbering mess over a stupid profit and loss forecast! The deadline for this is looming and i just had a mini breakdown/panic attacks (well i assume they were) over forecasts! But i am calmer now with the help and support of my family and boyfriend. It's something i would keep private but I think it's something i should share. Starting a business has it's highs and lows, something everyone has heard and i never quite believed it to a certain extent. I hit such a low last night and this afternoon, well lets just say i will have puffy eyes that will last me through the weekend!

Many of you have been supportive towards me when i have posted the odd frantic/depressive/I'm a total mess tweet and i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words, they really did help. My mum also showed me a poem that i would like to share with you called "The Don't Quit Poem" It's suitable for all situations!

So i may have talked about my lowest point of this journey but i would like to make note that this is a positive post. Remember we are all amazing for our own special reasons! Yes.... You! :D


  1. Well done and keep it going. You will get there in the end. You are doing something people sit at home and only talk about so good for you.

    I am also getting my own business going but a photography one. I am using this year to build up my portfolio by doing free photo sessions then its all systems go.

    Good luck hun

  2. I think you are doing a great job at keeping it going! The hardest part is staying the course when the road gets a little bumpy.




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