Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Back on the wagon

hey all, I've started weight watchers again, I've finished my second week and even though I've been a good girl losing weight I've been a bad girl when blogging on here. I've been blogging over on my other blog on the ww website. So I'm gonna post on there and on here... so this is yesterday's post from the ww blog.

Helllllo! Weigh in over and i can again proudly say that i have shed off another 3 lbs this fat suit! I'm so happy :D that's a total of 8.5lbs in 2 weeks which means i got my first silver 7! To celebrate i headed over to a zumba class.

It's so much fun with my friend, i still can't get my head round some of the steps... (there are too many people in front and i can't see) but other steps i can totally do! I'm just well out of practice...i haven't danced to a routine in about..... 14 years. It does get tiring, but if i ever sense myself slowing down, not doing it 100% i push through and try that bit harder! I always feel it in my thighs.

I'm super sleepy, Tuesdays are absolutely manic for me. I have rainbows at 5:15 for an hours, then gotta drive over to my friends to pick her up to go to weight watchers for 6:30 that finishes about 7:30 then we whizz over to zumba for 8 and that finishes about 9:15 to then drive my friend back home and if (like today) i had dropped the bf off my friends house to hand out with her hubby, pick him up to drive us home.... looooong 4 hours!

So not quite an essay this time. But i is sleeeeepy and 90210 is on!

loadsa love
from a 3lb lighter girl in a fat suit! :D Have a good week girlies and gents!


  1. Hi, I followed the link from Jack Sh*t. Congrats on the silver 7!

  2. congrats so far. Keep it up :)


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