Monday, 1 August 2011

3rd time lucky?

Hello again,
It's been, ashamedly too long. I was on the straight and narrow then life got in the way and i made bad food choices and lazyness fell into place. I've steadily put on the weight i lost and them some. I have found once again, my jeans are too tight, i no longer have anything to wear as my clothes look horrible on and harmless comments that have nothing to do with my size...are upsetting me.

So here we go again, take 3! Third time lucky? hopefully. I want to go away sometime this year, on a plane and i don't want to suffer the humiliation of being too big for the seat belt....or even seat! I started last night. I did 30 mins of Wii fitness, I've started to count my points. and i will weigh myself every Thursday night or Friday morning.

I'm thinking about buying the zumba fitness for the Wii but reviews say that it's not that accurate but as long as you are moving, that's all that matters. So i am umming and ahhing over that. I'm going to ask boyfriend to take brutally honest pictures so hopefully i will be able to see a difference when i start losing and can hopefully use that as encouragement.

That's about it. I just wanted to put it out there.



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