Saturday, 22 May 2010

Quarter of a Century

I have sat and read through many amazing and inspiring blogs. People have lost tons of weight, i mean i am talking about 100 lbs plus. They have transformed their bodies and their lives and it gives me a warming feeling that i can follow their stories not just those who have lost a massive amount but those who are at the beginning or mid stages.

The warm feeling tends to drain when i then look at the mirror, my story. I look in the mirror, i don't see the change, i look at the figures and say " is that it?" This is where the insecure part of me takes over. How can i say is that it? I have lost 25 lbs in just over 2 months! i should be celebrating this not berating my self for not having lost more. I am not in the biggest loser! I haven't got mean personal trainers on my ass every single day making me workout until i drop, i haven't got them keeping an eye on what i eat etc. Sometime i wish i did have all that but it isn't healthy.

A steady loss is what i need, it will more than likely stay off. This is a lifestyle change not a diet, i have to get this in my head. Plus as i was walking back from the shop this afternoon (in a dress that fitted me well after i adjusted it last august and now is too baggy round the boobs...felt soo good to my ego) and i was thinking about the number 25.

25 is a quarter of a 100, if my weight loss were to carry on the way it is (which i am not expecting it too but who knows) then in another 6 months i could lose 100 lbs. But in 6 months i could lose say another 40 lbs.... 65 in total. Wow. It puts it all into perspective really. For me anyway. I'll explain. 25 lbs is not a small amount of weight, and if i continue on the way i am going, within 6 months i could surpass and be close to that 100 pound mark.

And of course losing a couple of pounds with my body shape is not as noticeable as someone who is far thinner than i am. I also forgot this point. But each pound is a step closer to being the girl i am inside.

To keep positive with my wight loss i have created a very geeky thing but on Excell i have done a table of which i have made a graph....and this is it! Thanks for reading this post, i was kinda going with the flow and discovering what i meant as i went along.

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