Friday, 9 April 2010

The Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall, am i the fattest of them all?

The Mirror is an awful invention isn't it? Depending on your mood, you either look like a princess or a blob of skin and flesh. Normally for me it is the latter. Yesterday i was sat in my underwear and in front of the mirror ( my huge double wardrobe has mirrors as doors with a hideous peach tint) and what i was seeing was not who i was. I didn't remember my knee looking so huge that it wasn't even limb like.... i didn't think those rolls of fat were that big.... were my boobs really that saggy?

I keep telling my mother that i hate that wardrobe, I'd rather something much smaller and definitely without mirrors as doors especially if they have a peach tinge to it. But where would i put all my stuff she says...those cost a fortune when those were put in!

Sometimes when i wake up in the morning i love myself, i feel so attractive, so feminine. Why can't i wake up feeling like that everyday? Why can the mind and the mirror be so cruel? The only positive thing i can take out of it is that it encourages me to change what i don't like. But i never feel positive at the time. I get down and blue however it soon that image evacuates my head and i continue on. I can either moan about what i don't have and be depressed or i can take it on the chin, motivate myself some more and rejoice about what i do have!

But between you and me,

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