Tuesday, 20 April 2010

A Mixed bag of feelings

Today was the day of my dream job interview. I was so nervous that i think i may have ruined my chances as there are a lot of applicants who may have been better. But i don't really want to concentrate on it. If i keep thinking of the mistakes i did, i will only get myself down. But I'll find out in 2 - 3 weeks. So fingers crossed.

But i am overwhelmed by the positive remarks over my exposed post. Such beautiful and positive comments. People are calling me an inspiration which makes me feel a tad like a fraud. I am just at the beginning stages, my journey is no where near the half way mark. I think people like Brooke are the true inspirations. (I'm sorry Brooke i keep referring to you, I've kinda just attached myself to you and think of you like a mentor.)

So these comments have made me feel happy. Its amazing what a few kind words can do to a person. They certainly have cheered me up no end.

I have a new phone, and i have twitter running on it constantly (thank goodness i am a heavy sleeper as it must always go off at night when all you across the pond are still awake) and i am always a message away from people who are just like me. A larger person who is trying to change their life. But this past few weeks, I've realised its not just larger people, it's sweet, kind, caring strangers who are rapidly becoming people i look forward to hearing from.

Although i am a positive person, i am making an extra effort to count my blessings. I am blessed to have a family, friends and boyfriend who love me. I am blessed to have a job even if it is only 8 hours a week and in retail hell, I'm blessed to have people on twitter who understand me, encourage me, and listen to me. Call it blessed, call it lucky, call it whatever. If you think positive, you attract positive.

I have a new moto: Live Life, Love Life!

Love from the girl in the (shrinking) fatsuit x x x

ps. writing this post and thinking about the good things has made me feel happier

1 comment:

  1. Never doubt how inspiring you are girl! Your blog is lovely! I am adding you to my sidebar as we speak!

    Keep on going! You are doing great! :)



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